Concrete flatwork is a functional paving option that works well in commercial spaces, especially in Florida. Franchises, gas stations and other businesses in Florida often choose concrete for parking lots and sidewalks because it is better suited for the heat than...
Commercial property managers looking to fix potholes and asphalt cracks have two options — repair or replacement. ToriTom Services uses asphalt industry-standard methods for fixing damage to asphalt surfaces. These repairs can make the asphalt on your commercial...
First impressions are vital for attracting tenants and building loyal relationships with them. When managing commercial properties, you can make a valuable first impression with the condition of your asphalt parking lot. A pleasant smooth ride into the property...
Speed bumps are essential for controlling traffic and reducing vehicle speed. When you want to increase safety on a commercial property, a speed bump can help you achieve your goals. What Are Speed Bumps Commonly Used For? Most motorists are familiar with speed bumps....
Oxidation can’t be stopped — it’s a natural process. It does, however, create the need for maintenance over time in asphalt parking lots. Managers of commercial properties have likely seen the damage due to asphalt oxidation, but what causes oxidation and...
Parking lots are often the first spaces customers interact with at many facilities and businesses, influencing their impressions and experiences. Property owners can implement parking lot design elements that support motorists and pedestrians to ensure a positive...